Friday, April 9, 2010


(April 9, 2010 was my very first post, which I have edited below since it was 4 years ago)
Hello and thanks for visiting. My name is Terina Nicole McKinney. I am a graduate design and craft major at NJCU and I am in the embryotic stage of starting a nonprofit to benefit others, particularly those in under-served communities called the Dream BIGGER! Academy. But before I can take on the heavy load of building a non-profit on my own from scratch, I want to start with a more feasible project: my thesis. I recently I received approval of my thesis topic. YAY! :)

My thesis synopisis is as follows:
Louis Vouitton's African-Made Collection

It is now en vogue for both American-based and international luxury brands/designers to announce that they are having some of their products handcrafted in third-world countries by indigenous artisan. Or to train and employ disenfranchised women from these regions so that they may have financial freedom to leave abusive households and/or send their children to school.
Although I find these tactics honorable, assuming these companies are really doing good and not harm, it bothers me that these brands aren't taking the same initiative to train and employ American citizens, specifically those in transition from homelessness, prison for non-violent crimes, or victims of abuse. We have many Americans who could use the work, training and camaraderie this kind of group work setting creates. It would not just create a much needed stream of income and provide new skills for many, but also change lives for the better.
Vivienne Westwood's African-made collection

My concept involves having myself and possibly other trained artisans teach skills (crocheting, weaving, sewing) to a small group of women in a domestic violence shelter, tuition-free. The women who show quick adaptation and talent will have the option to be paid to make specific pieces that I have designed for my final thesis MA show.

The show will exemplify that craft and design can co-exist beautifully and can be experienced and even created for and from people of all walks in life.

After graduation, I plan to enlarge the vision by starting a community center for life skills, crafts, and entrepreneurship, called the Dream BIGGER! Academy.

The video below shows a related concept from a fashion knit brand abroad that employs "grandmas." Although my thesis will focus on working with women who are domestic violence survivors, the concept of providing a relaxing and nurturing environment of crafting and healing that also serves the purpose of creating new skills and a possible new stream of income for the women is the same.

Granny's Finest Motion Graphic from Granny's Finest on Vimeo.

I will work with a domestic violence organization located in Montclair, NJ called SOFIA ( I will host free leathercrafting workshops every Saturday in the month of January 2015 and I will document the experience here.
When the workshops end, I will offer the women the option of taking their new skills and applying them to products I design, paying them per piece.
The products  will be designed with women in their situation in mind, meaning they will be specifically for the healing, protection against, and prevention of domestic violence. I will call it the "Love Thyself Kit." The project will culminate with my MA Thesis show that will showcase the work of the women.
Stay tuned to learn more about the Love Thyself Kit, the progress of my thesis, and the Dream BIGGER Academy!

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